Philip remains at the hospital, but is in good spirits although he is lonely and board. His fluid retention is getting a little better each day, but the pain in his knees remains very uncomfortable. The doctors told me today that this condition would be chronic until transplant. The concern with the kidney’s, plus what it takes to keep the fluids at a reasonable level will have more impact on his quality of life. The good news is that we can look to the future and think of better times.

I continue to be amazed with Philip. To be truthful on Tuesday when he told me that he needed to go to the hospital, I didn’t think we were dealing with anything too serious. He has always known his own body and been a good judge of what he needs, but I thought he would be seen in the ER and sent home. He told me that he needed to be seen at the hospital and he was right. The fact that he remains in the hospital speaks for itself.


  1. Philip should be home and better soon!

  2. Intriguing , I am curious what the statistics are on your first point there…

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