At 7:30 this morning I was walking towards Philip’s room were there were many medical people standing. Very quickly the doctor that had been on duty all week-end approached me to say that Philip’s left side was not moving and the neurological team was examining him. There was the possibility of a stroke and there is a four hour window when they can give medication to help with the effects of a stroke. They took him down for a CAT scan and it was negative. They warned me that some strokes don’t show up for several hours and they would need to do an MRI later today. His kidney’s are not doing well and his blood pressure is low. They transferred him ICU (Intensive Care Unit). I think it is encephalopathy, again.  We will get the results tomorrow. It has been a very long day. Philip is exhausted and agitated. He told me tonight that when he gets through this he wants prime rib. It was such a relief for him to have a little humor about him. He has a tube in his nose, oxygen, wires running for blood pressure, breathing, heart monitoring, 4 IV’s running with medication and fluids. It was a stressful day, but his humor really picked me up. I don’t think the next few days are going to be easy, but I think we will work it through.


  1. Randy,
    We will continue to pray for Phil to pull through this and get his prime rib in good heath!
    And also for strength for you and Shelly. Thinking of all of you.

  2. Sarah Malka & Larry

    Loving and caring thoughts coming your way!

  3. I just wanted you Sperlings to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers all day long and I am thinking and sending you good thoughts for courage and strength. I love you guys. Cindi

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