Philip is out of the hospital with no signs of internal bleeding. What a relief!

We had our appointment with the Nutritionist today. A month ago Philip was put on a low sodium diet. It was an adjustment at first but the today we learned that we are doing very well and can even easy up a little. So far everyone who is  part of the transplant team is very knowledgeable and supportive and the Nutritionist was no acception.

 Philip keeps going as long as his energy lasts. He really never ceases to amaze me with his positive attitude and wise insights.

Last week we were laughing and joking when he asked me if I could verbalize the reasons for my being stress out. I swallowed hard, knowing that we have a “no secrets policy” in our communication. If I wasn’t totally honest with him, I would close the door on his ability to be totally honest with me. I explained to Philip, that as much as I am very optimistic about his future, getting through the next few months is going to be very stressful.  For example there is the everyday medication that I have to keep up with, and make sure that it is in the house and that he takes it correctly. There is the concern about his diarrhea. Is there anything else we could do? Are we doing everything properly? Is the food I am preparing any part of the problem? When will he be well enough to get on the transplant list. He has lost all of his daily routine opportunity. I am concerned in that he will get depressed. My child is suffering, and that makes me sad.

 Philip listened with his whole heart and said “You know Mom it seems to me that you are eating the whole big hamburger in one bite. Why don’t you slow down and just eat one bite at a time?”

Philip’s wisdom reminded me that we have made it through 25 years, by taking life one day at a time. You can’t redo yesterday, and you can’t predict tomorrow, but you can live today and get through one day at a time. He let me know that is how he is getting through each day. He told me that he beat cancer, he beat strokes, and he intends to get through a liver transplant. He is very sure about his transplant, and that really helps me. It helps enormously that he is very confident in his doctors and that prays daily. He believes that he is doing what G-d wants him to do.


  1. hi ran — the website turned out great and i love your daily blog!!!!
    thank god the procedure yesterday went well and this trip to unc has had positive results.
    it was good talking to phil on sunday and glad you and i had a chance to talk again tonight. i hope thursday is a good “day off” for you guys and that you come up with something fun to do.
    huge hugs and kisses for you and phil and save one for shelly!! i’ll talk to you tomorrow.
    i love you my dearest friend!!!!

  2. WOW! Phil continues to amaze me with his sensitivity and insight. He definitely was put on this earth for a reason. Hashem has big plans for him for sure! Love to you both. My heart is with you.

  3. Lorrie,

    As you know Shelly does some selling for Connie’s company. We were wondering if there is a fund that contributions can be made to that would help them defray the costs of what they are going thru. We all hope that progress will be made so that Philip can get the treatment he needs. We also look forward to the website you are putting together.


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